Longarm Quilting Classes Group Classes available! Call to schedule 813-491-4133. Classes listed below go from 10am-2pm, with all supplies and lunch included, $225. Classes available upon request. Hourly instruction is also available for $50/hour on the longarm quilting topic of your choice.
Learn to use straight and slightly curved rulers to create amazing, custom quilting in blocks and borders on the longarm quilting machine! We will create quilting designs from simple to complex using just straight and curved rulers. Designed for the beginner to intermediate longarm quilter. Bring your sketchpad and a pencil.
For Comfortable Free-Motion quilters.
Lunch included. 10am-2pm
In this class we will work with curved, round and shaped rulers to quilt stunning designs on your sample! Gina Perkes’ rulers will be featured, as well as several rulers from other nationally known quilters. Designed for the intermediate longarm quilter. Bring your sketchpad and a pencil.
For Comfortable Free-Motion quilters.
Lunch included. 10am-2pm
BASIC FREE-MOTION QUILTING I CLASS Learn ten basic patterns used in freehand, longarm quilting in this introductory class. We will cover techniques and tips for freehand quilting, and for creating many popular patterns without marking. Also learn border designs to accompany each pattern. This class is for beginners and is perfect at helping you feel more comfortable with your freehand quilting on the longarm machine! Bring your sketchpad and a pencil.
For New Free-motion quilters.
Lunch included. 10am-2pm
BASIC FREE-MOTION QUILTING II CLASS Have you mastered the basics of freehand quilting? This class is for intermediate level longarm quilters who are comfortable completing basic freehand designs on a longarm. These quilting patterns are perfect as background fillers for blocks or can be created on a larger scale as edge to edge designs. We will cover pebbling, McTavishing, and more! Bring your sketchpad and a pencil.
For New to Comfortable Free-motion quilters.
Lunch included. 10am-2pm
FREE-MOTION CUSTOM QUILTING CLASS Learn the technical details to complete a quilt with custom quilting designs. We will cover stitch in the ditch, template work, marking, set-in designs, and more. All levels of longarm quilters can benefit from the information included in this class. Bring your sketchpad and a pencil.
For Comfortable Free-motion quilters.
Lunch included. 10am-2pm
FEATHERS CLASS Our feathers class for the confident beginner! Learn how to make beautiful feathers using several methods. Class will cover overall designs using feathers, creating feathers to fill shapes, custom designs, and more. Go home ready to feather everything that moves! Bring your sketchpad and a pencil.
For Experienced Free-motion Quilters.
Lunch included. 10am-2pm
NEEDLES, THREAD & BATTING for LONGARM MACHINES-HANDS ON! In this class, you will learn all about
quilt batting,
the basics about needles & threads-on longarm quilting machines
helpful tips for using needles & threads-on longarm machines
Hands on samples to examine, demos, color, and experiences are all included in this class! Lunch included. 10am-2pm
NEEDLES, THREAD & BATTING for DOMESTIC MACHINES-HANDS ON! In this class, you will learn all about
quilt batting,
the basics about needles & threads-on longarm quilting machines
helpful tips for using needles & threads-on longarm machines
Hands on samples to examine, demos, color, and experiences are all included in this class! Lunch included. 10am-2pm
BASIC MACH3 CLASS Learn the basics of Innova’s Mach3 robotic software. Technical features of the software and tools will be taught as well as tips & tricks for use. Full instruction and hands-on practice using the most time efficient way to setup an edge-to-edge quilting project in Mach3 and keep it moving!
For New users of Mach3. Bring a notebook and a pencil.
Lunch included. 10am-2pm
BASIC+BORDER MACH3 CLASS Perfect your game setting up an edge-to-edge quilting project with borders. We will also cover
For New-Intermediate users of Mach3. Bring a notebook and a pencil.
Lunch included. 10am-2pm
PICK 3 FEATURES MACH3 CLASS Choose 3 technical features of the software or tools and we will show you how they work. We will move on to hands-on use of these tools and some examples of when these tools could be used.
For Intermediate users of Mach3. Bring a notebook and a pencil.
Lunch included. 10am-2pm
CUSTOM MACH3 CLASS In this class we will cover the most basic items needed to custom quilt a simple quilt using Mach3. Blocks and borders will be covered as well as tools that work to your advantage to make patterns fit the spaces on your quilt.
For Intermediate-Advanced users of Mach3. Bring a notebook and a pencil.